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Terra Aquatica - Seaweed

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  • Enthält natürliche Seetangextrakte
  • Reich an natürlichen Algenextrakten
  • Enthält wichtige Spurenelemente wie Eisen und Mangan
  • Fördert das Wurzelwachstum und die Nährstoffaufnahme der Pflanzen
  • Verbessert die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Krankheiten und Schädlingen
  • Steigert die Widerstandsfähigkeit Ihrer Pflanzen

Size: 500ml
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The product "Terra Aquatica - Seaweed" is a high-quality algae solution that was specifically developed for use in hydroponics .

The special composition of Terra Aquatica Seaweed ensures an optimal supply of nutrients to your plants and promotes their healthy growth . The minerals and trace elements it contains strengthen your plants' resistance to diseases and pests. In addition, the seaweed extract improves the absorption of water and nutrients, resulting in lush blooms and lush greenery.

Important advantages:

  • Contains natural seaweed extracts
  • Rich in natural algae extracts
  • Contains important trace elements such as iron and manganese
  • Promotes root growth and plant nutrient absorption
  • Improves resistance to diseases and pests
  • Increases the resilience of your plants


  • Rich in essential nutrients: The Terra Aquatica - Seaweed contains a variety of vital nutrients that promote your plant growth and increase your crop yields.
  • 100% Organic: This product is made from purely organic ingredients, without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides.
  • Sustainable production: Terra Aquatica - Seaweed is produced in an environmentally friendly manner and therefore contributes to sustainable cultivation.

Recommended use:

  • Dosage : 5ml per 1 liter of irrigation water (leaf spray 3ml per 1 L)
  • Application time : Entire growth and flowering phase

Note: Please store Terra Aquatica - SeaWeed in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read carefully and follow the instructions for best results

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