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Terra Aquatica - Humic

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  • Das Terra Aquatica - Humic zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Konzentration an wertvollen Huminsäuren aus, die das Wurzelwachstum stimulieren und die Bodenstruktur verbessern.
  • Dank seiner hervorragenden Wasserhaltefähigkeit werden die Bewässerungsintervalle verlängert und Wasserverschwendung vermieden.
  • Die Zugabe von Terra Aquatica - Humic fördert zudem eine gesunde Mikroorganismenpopulation im Boden, was zu einer besseren Nährstoffverfügbarkeit führt.


Size: 500ml
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Thanks to its unique formula, Terra Aquatica-Humic has been proven to increase soil fertility and improve plant growth . Adding this product increases your plants' nutrient absorption by up to 40% , resulting in increased vitality and lush growth .

Another big advantage is improved water storage in the soil. Terra Aquatica - Humic allows for more efficient use of irrigated water, reducing irrigation needs. This not only saves water, but also time and money.

Your plants' root system will be strengthened and their health promoted as Terra Aquatica - Humic supports the growth of strong and resilient roots. These healthy roots are able to absorb nutrients effectively and thus ensure optimal nutrition for your plants.

In addition, Terra Aquatica - Humic strengthens your plants' natural defenses against pests and diseases. Thanks to its unique composition, your plants will be more resilient and less susceptible to damage from harmful influences.

Important advantages:

  • The Terra Aquatica - Humic is characterized by its high concentration of valuable humic acids, which stimulate root growth and improve the soil structure.
  • Thanks to its excellent water holding capacity, watering intervals are extended and water wastage is avoided.
  • The addition of Terra Aquatica - Humic also promotes a healthy microorganism population in the soil, which leads to better nutrient availability.


  • Terra Aquatica - Humic contains a balanced mix of essential nutrients that promote plant growth and health.
  • It provides important micronutrients such as iron, zinc and manganese, which are essential for optimal plant nutrition.
  • The high organic acid content improves the absorption of nutrients and sustainably improves the quality of the soil.

Recommended use:

  • Dosage : 4ml per 1 liter of irrigation water
  • Application time : Entire growth and flowering phase

Note: Please store Terra Aquatica - Humic in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read carefully and follow the instructions for best results

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