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Terra Aquatica - DualPart Grow (Hard Water)

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  • Der Terra Aquatica - DualPart Grow (Hartes Wasser) ist einfach anzuwenden und eignet sich sowohl für den Innen- als auch für den Außenbereich.
  • Dieses Produkt wurde von Experten entwickelt und getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass es die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Pflanzen optimal erfüllt.
  • Der DualPart Grow ist umweltfreundlich und nachhaltig produziert, sodass Sie nicht nur Ihren Pflanzen, sondern auch der Umwelt etwas Gutes tun.

Size: 500ml
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X The Terra Aquatica - DualPart Grow ( Hard Water ) is a high quality and effective product. It is a specially developed nutrient solution that is optimally tailored to the needs of plants in hard water.

This unique solution offers a variety of benefits for plants growing in hard water regions. The carefully selected ingredients ensure that the nutrient needs of the plants are optimally met, resulting in healthy and strong growth .

Important advantages:

  • The Terra Aquatica - DualPart Grow (Hard Water) is easy to use and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
  • This product has been developed and tested by experts to ensure it optimally meets the needs of your plants.
  • The DualPart Grow is environmentally friendly and sustainably produced, so you are not only doing something good for your plants, but also the environment.


  • This DualPart Grow was specially developed for hard water and ensures that your plants are optimally supplied with nutrients despite the difficult water conditions.
  • Thanks to the unique formula of DualPart Grow, your plants receive all the essential nutrients in the right dosage to achieve their full potential.
  • Thanks to the product's excellent solubility, rapid absorption of nutrients is ensured, resulting in faster growth and improved health of your plants.

Recommended use:

  • Dosage: 5ml per liter of irrigation water.
  • Application time: growth phase, flowering phase.

Note: Please store Advanced Nutrients - DualPart Grow in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read carefully and follow the instructions for best results

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