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CANNA - Mono Kalzium

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  • Hochwertige Formel mit reinem Kalzium für optimale Ergebnisse.
  • Enthält 100% reines Kalzium ohne schädliche Zusatzstoffe oder Verunreinigungen.
  • Verbessert die Struktur des Bodens und fördert ein gesundes Wurzelwachstum.
  • Unterstützt die Bildung von Chlorophyll und fördert somit die Photosynthese, was zu kräftigerem Wachstum und intensiveren Farben führt.
  • Bietet eine sofortige Verfügbarkeit von Kalzium für die Pflanzen, um Mangelerscheinungen effektiv vorzubeugen.

Size: 1 L
CANNA Mono Kalzium – Hochkonzentrierter Calcium-Zusatz zur Stärkung der Zellstruktur und Vorbeugung von Calcium-Mangel
Size: 1 L

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With CANNA - Mono Calcium you give your plants the best they deserve. The high-quality formula ensures an effective calcium supply and improves the growth and health of your plants. Achieve higher yields and stronger growth with this professional product.

Important advantages:

  • High quality formula with pure calcium for optimal results.
  • Easily soluble powder that dissolves quickly and easily in water.
  • Made from high quality ingredients to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Contains 100% pure calcium with no harmful additives or impurities.
  • Precisely measured dosage for easy use.
  • Improves the structure of the soil and promotes healthy root growth.
  • Increases plant nutrient uptake, resulting in improved health and higher yields.
  • Supports the formation of chlorophyll and thus promotes photosynthesis, resulting in stronger growth and more intense colors.
  • Provides immediate availability of calcium to plants to effectively prevent deficiency symptoms.


    • Strengthens the cell structure of plants for better resistance to diseases and pests.
    • Promotes the absorption of other nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
    • Supports the transport of nutrients within the plant to ensure optimal distribution.
    • Regulates the pH value of the soil, creating ideal conditions for plant growth.
    • Improves the quality of fruits and flowers by influencing their structure and taste.

    Application recommendation:

    • Dosage : 1-2ml per 1 liter of irrigation water
    • Application time : In case of calcium deficiency or as a growth supplement

    Note: Please store CANNA - Mono Calcium in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

    For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

    Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read them carefully and follow the instructions for best results

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