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CANNA - Hydro Flores A&B

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  • Steigern Sie den Ertrag Ihrer Pflanzen erheblich.
  • Verbessern Sie die Qualität und den Geschmack Ihrer Ernte durch eine optimierte Nährstoffversorgung.
  • Verwenden Sie CANNA - Hydro Flores A&B für alle Phasen der Blüte, um einen kontinuierlichen Fortschritt zu gewährleisten.
  • CANNA - Hydro Flores A&B ist speziell entwickelt worden, um optimale Ergebnisse beim hydroponischen Anbau zu erzielen.
  • Hervorragende Wachstumsförderung und Blütenbildung

Size: 1 L
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The product "CANNA - Hydro Flores A&B" is a high-quality nutrient for use in hydroponics . With its special formula, it offers optimal care for plants during the flowering phase .

The nutrients are divided into two parts, A and B, to ensure that all essential elements are available in the correct amounts. The combination of A and B can ensure a balanced diet that supports the growth and development of plants.

Important advantages:

  • Significantly increase the yield of your plants.
  • Improve the quality and taste of your harvest through optimized nutrient supply.
  • Use CANNA - Hydro Flores A&B for all stages of flowering to ensure continuous progress.
  • CANNA - Hydro Flores A&B has been specially developed to achieve optimal results in hydroponic cultivation.
  • Excellent growth promotion and flower formation


  • Contains a unique blend of nutrients specifically tailored to the needs of hydroponic systems.
  • The high-quality ingredients ensure optimal nutrient supply for your plants.
  • Provides a balanced combination of macro and micronutrients for healthy growth and lush flowering.
  • Supports optimal pH in the root zone to ensure plants can absorb all essential nutrients.
  • Easy to use: The product consists of two bottles (A&B), which are simply mixed together.

    Recommended use:

    • Dosage : 4ml per 1 liter of irrigation water (A & B)
    • Application time : entire flowering phase

    Note: Please store CANNA - Hydro Flores in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

    For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

    Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read them carefully and follow the instructions for best results

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