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CANNA - Cannacure

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  • Bietet Schutz vor schädlichen Pilzen und Bakterien
  • Stärkt das natürliche Abwehrsystem der Pflanzen
  • Unterstützt die Vitalität und Widerstandskraft der Pflanzen
  • Enthält hochwirksame ätherische Öle, die die Pflanzen vor Krankheiten schützen
  • Biologisch abbaubar und umweltfreundlich

Size: 1 L
CANNA Cure – Natürliches Pflanzenschutzmittel und Blattdünger zur Vorbeugung gegen Schädlinge und Pilzbefall
Size: 1 L

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CANNA - Cannacure is a highly effective crop protection product that was specifically developed for use in cannabis cultivation. With its unique formula, it provides effective protection against pests and diseases while promoting plant growth and health.

Important advantages:

  • Provides protection against harmful fungi and bacteria
  • Strengthens the plants' natural defense system
  • Supports the vitality and resilience of plants
  • Contains highly effective essential oils that protect plants from diseases
  • Specially developed formula to ensure maximum absorption by the plant
  • Biodegradable and environmentally friendly
  • No harmful effects on humans or animals


  • Healthy and resilient plants are the key to a successful harvest.
  • CANNA - Cannacure is the answer to all problems related to fungal and bacterial infestation.
  • Contains important nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen for healthy plant growth.
  • These nutrients not only promote growth but also strengthen the plant's immune system.
  • Regular use of CANNA - Cannacure protects your plants from fungal and bacterial attack.
  • Prevents the occurrence of diseases and minimizes the risk of total failure of your crop.

Recommended use:

  • Dosage : Apply to both sides of the leaves
  • Application time : once a week as a preventative measure

    Note: Please store CANNA - Canna Start in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

    For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

    Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read them carefully and follow the instructions for best results

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