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Advanced Nutrients - Overdrive

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  • Beschleunigt den Reifungsprozess und verkürzt die Blütezeit. 
  • Enthält Phosphor, Kalium und weiteren wichtige Nährstoffe
  • Fördert die Bildung von größeren und dichteren Blütenstände 
  • Alleinstellungsmerkmale
  • Steigert den Ertrag um bis zu 20 %
  • Verbessert das Aroma deiner Pflanzen für ein intensiveres Geschmackserlebnis
  • Verkürzt die Blütezeit um bis zu 1 Woche, sodass du schneller Ergebnisse sehen kannst
  • Verbessert die Aromatik und Geschmacksqualität der Pflanze

Size: 250ml
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With Advanced Nutrients - Overdrive you get the most out of your plants! Your flowers will be larger , denser and full of resin . The unique mixture of phosphorus , potassium and other valuable nutrients optimally supplies your plants and ensures healthy development.

Experience the difference Advanced Nutrients - Overdrive can make! Not only will your plants mature faster, but they will also develop a more intense aroma .

Increase yours Yield up to 20% and harvest healthy, strong plants. Give them the extra boost they deserve with Advanced Nutrients - Overdrive.

Important advantages:

  • Accelerates the ripening process and shortens the flowering period.
  • Contains phosphorus, potassium and other important nutrients
  • Promotes the formation of larger and denser inflorescences
  • Unique selling points
  • Increases yield by up to 20%
  • Improves the aroma of your plants for a more intense taste experience
  • Shortens flowering time by up to 1 week so you can see results faster
  • Improves the aroma and taste quality of the plant

Recommended use:

  • Dosage : 2 ml per liter of irrigation water.
  • Application time : Use in the last 2 weeks of the flowering phase.

Note: Please store Advanced Nutrients - Overdrive in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight. Keep the product out of the reach of children and pets.

For best results we recommend shaking the product well before use

Please note that the exact dosage and application instructions can be found on the product packaging. Read carefully and follow the instructions for best results.

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